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Monday, May 30, 2011

ZOO Much Fun

I love the Zoo! I would go once a week if I could! We went on Saturday and it was very overcast and VERY crowded! But I managed to bully my way in close enough for a few good shots!
Here are some of my favorite pictures!

This Polar Bear was having a blast and I love the action in this picture!

Digital Camera's are the best. You can take 100 pictures if you want and if only one shot comes out, that's OK you can delete the rest and no one will ever know!!!!

The Penguins were zipping around and having tons of fun.
I couldn't really get any where to take a clear shot, but I really like this through the glass shot!

The Birds Really LOVE Carl, he has fun feeding them, and they always fly right to him.

This bird was feisty and didn't even want the juice! He decided to pick a hole in the cup and drain all the juice, then crawl all over Carl and pick at the back of his neck. Crazy bird!!!

I personally love Mountain Goats!
The first totem I did for myself had a mountain goat in it and I thought they were mean and ugly, then I learned that as a totem, they mean climbing new heights, sure footed, able to adapt to difficult situations and arrive on top!!
Thats me!!! :)

I was amazed at this Bat display!
They were feeding the Bats and there were TONS of them all over! It was a great scene to see the bats climbing all over to eat the fruit.

Some how, by luck and the rule of numbers... (You take enough pictures and one is bound to come out OK) ... I got this cool picture!

I like Bats because they are one of those animals that have a lot of bad publicity, but are actually a great totem.
They can represent, renewal, adaptability, transformation. As a healing energy, they can bring good luck and happiness and alleviate hearing problems. They can assist in uncovering hidden messages and help you see hidden opportunities! Cool don't you think!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Good Old Fashion Writing

Last weekend I was in California and I finally went to visit Mom. It was hard to see Mom in the nursing home. She can't walk now and has no use of her left arm. They mush all her food into a puree that resembles baby food because she can't swallow well. She's on blood thinner because she has had strokes and heart attacks and they wan't to keep her blood flowing to prevent another attack, but the side effect is she bruses easily and had many on her body on this visit. She had a large one that ran from her chin to her neck. I did my magic photoshop clean up and got rid of it for this picture. I couldn't bear to have what may be our last picture with her having a giant bruise on her face.

I feel like a rotten daughter for not seeing her everyday that she has left in this life. I have a built in excuse, I live in another state. My finances are so shallow that I could not afford to go to California more than I already have. Still its an excuse and I'd rather live my life without making excuses for everything!

I had a 10 hour drive back after the short visit with Mom to think a lot about life. While the family was napping or reading, I thought about Mom. She may only have a short while, perhaps only months and I decided that I needed to make amends with my soul and do what I can to show my Mom that her life has meant that I have life and that I appreciate her for giving me this life.

I'm going to write her. The good old fashion kind where your hand actually holds a pen and creates real words that you can touch on a piece of paper that can be held in your hand and near your heart. I believe there is an energy transfer that happens when you write that way. There is a message that is spoken in the ink and paper that is just as strong as the message on the page. I pray that along with the loving words I will write to her about how life is going with work, my daughter and all the boring daily details, there will be a subtle almost undetectable message of love and gratitude and life affirming happiness for the woman who raised me in the best way she knew how and I hope that her soul will read that "other" message and feel the love I have for her each time she reads the pages I send her.

Seeing my Mom slowly leave this life has really made me appreciate all that I have especially those people in my life with whom I've have shared good times, lots of laughs, much love and crazy fun experiences. For those of you whom I adore don't be surprised if my good old fashioned letter writing extends to you! If you don't know I adore you, then you'll know when a wonderful hand written page of love shows up in your mail box!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Paintings

I've been painting again and it feels wonderful. I was inspired by all the animals I see when I do people's totems, but I wanted to create some images that will inspire anyone. These paintings are mixed media and acrylic.

Butterfly... In spite of the challenges, you'll get through this transition.

Dove ... Express love to as many people as possible in words and in deeds.

Bee ... You are entering a very productive time in you life!!

Ladybug ... You're shielded and protected from irritations, pestering thoughts or annoying behaviors from others.

Raven ... Be observant of synchronistic events, appreciate them, but don't try to figure them out.