Snake in The Grass... : Wisdom / Awakening / Rebirth / Transmutation

Snake means you're about to go through some significant changes. You're about to resolve a long standing issue, one that has required a great deal of your attention.
(For the record... I quit my Job September 1st - Snake Was trying to prepare me!!)
Osprey : Prophetic Insight / Acute Vision / Truth / Fearlessness / Destiny

Osprey means This is an opportune time to immerse yourself in your creative energy, channeling into a form of artistic expression that suits you. Eat certifiably organic foods as much as possible as your system is delicate right now.
(So after I quit my day job, I've decided to give my art, painting, children's books, totems etc... My full attention!! Now looking into Osprey I should start to eat better, I have felt sluggish!)
Chipmunk : Scattered Energy / Prudence / Bravery / Enthusiasm

Chipmunk means Trust that you're well protected and that there is no real danger you'll have to face. Once you've completed a creative piece or project, keep it to yourself for a few weeks before revealing to others.
(This is some good advice for me while I'm out now on my new adventure.)
Dragonfly: Maneuverability / Illusion / Mysticism / Swiftness / Gentleness / Beauty / Luminance

Dragonfly means be on the lookout for any falsehoods, deceit, or illusions that are clouding a current situation or relationship.
This is a time when magic and mystery of life is reawakening for you. It's important now to recharge your psychic energy , which you can do my regularly mediating. More than simply a change, you're going through a major transformation, so enjoy the process!!
(Boy is this ALL so true. Work and why I left, my New Path for my art and totems!!)
BTW .. I took this picture and a testament of how awesome the camera is, it caught this dragonfly mid-flight!! WOW!